Great Lakes Building Systems

Healthy Buildings

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Let’s make your building healthier, one step at a time

The need to change our way of managing both our buildings and its occupants are crucial amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We are here to offer you several solutions to help alleviate some of that stress. With today’s high tech temperature screening, people counting, PPE & mask detection, and social distancing verification, we can help your business flow efficiently into the “new normal”.

Infrared Fever Detection systems

Infrared Fever Detection systems help with checking your building occupants for possible infection due to a fever. We currently offer systems from both Honeywell and Fike Protection Systems, both leaders in security and detection technologies. Our highly vetted product choices are NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) compliant solutions.   Click here for sample video of our herd solutions

People Counting Occupancy Control

With the analytics on our IP Cameras, your video system can count how many people are entering and leaving your building to help maintain the reduced occupancy requirement many of our local governments are requiring. With occupancy control via ProWatch Access Control, you can have doors automatically lock when your facility reaches capacity to help maintain safe capacity.

PPE and Mask Detection

Per the CDC and many local governments, masks are often required when entering any facility.  These systems can minimize infection exposure to occupants by electronically screening for mask compliance. You can get real-time notification when a threat enters your building to ensure that staff and patients are adequately informed and protected.

Social Distancing Verification

These systems monitor and measure people within a zone to ensure everyone is following social distancing guidelines. You can receive alerts of occupants not-adhering to social distancing guidelines.


Give us a call today to see how we can help your facility be Healthy 716-892-5253

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Not only great theme but we also provide the best support.